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From Faith To Faith

From Faith to Faith
revealing the righteousness of God through the book of Romans


Life Group Questions

[expand title=”Faith to Faith”]
Romans 1:1-17

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • What is the best letter you’ve ever received? What made it so significant? How do you think the people who were part of the early Roman church felt when Paul’s letter was delivered to them?
  • Read Romans 1:7. What is a saint? Do you think of yourself to be called as a saint? What does that mean?
  • The church in Rome had a reputation for strong faith. Read Hebrews 1:1. What is faith? Who today (individual or group) is an example of faith to you? What is it about their faith that encourages you?
  • Read Romans 1:16. What kinds of situations do you find yourself tempted to be ashamed of the Gospel?
  • Read Habakkuk 2:4. Is your ego inflated? Do you sometimes think you know better than God? Describe a time in your life when you were able to set your ego aside and choose instead to live by faith.


[expand title=”Why Jesus Came”]
Romans 1:18-32

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • What were the biggest idols in your family when you were growing up? What was worshipped in your home? Was it education? Athletics? Faith? Image? Achievement? Think about what occupied your family’s time, resources, and attention, and about how success was evaluated in your home.
  • Read Colossians 1:15-20. What has God created that amazes you the most? Take some time as a group to praise and thank God for His incredible handiwork together.
  • Do you struggle with idolatry today? What created thing are you tempted to worship rather than worshipping the Creator Himself?
  • Read Romans 1:26-32. Which of these sin areas have you seen the most positive growth and change in your life? Which are the most tempting for you?
  • Read Romans 5:6-9. How do the truths of this passage impact you today? Do you truly feel justified and saved, or are you still trying to earn your way with God?


[expand title=”No Favorites With God”]
Romans 2:1-11

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • Have you had occasion to be in front of a judge in a courtroom? What was that experience like? Describe the demeanor of the judge. Was she/he fair? Irritable? Calm? Did you find yourself trusting the judge, or did you have skepticism?
  • Read Romans 2:1-2. Describe a situation where you’ve found yourself judging another person and then realized you are guilty of the exact same things.
  • Read Romans 2:4. How have you personally experienced God’s kindness, restraint, and patience?
  • Many people end up putting their faith in Jesus as a result of having experienced the consequences of their own sin. Have you had that experience? How has God’s kindness (in being patient through your sin) led you to repentance?
  • Romans 2:11 says there is no favoritism with God. Take a look at this Got Questions article about favoritism. What is favoritism? Are you tempted to play favorites? Have you been the victim of favoritism? Discuss why it is important to resist favoritism within the church.


[expand title=”Misplaced Confidence”]
Romans 2:12-24

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • Think about the environment you were raised in. How does that impact your life as a follower of Jesus now?
  • Read Romans 2:15 and think about your conscience. How does it work alongside Scripture in your Christian life?
  • Where does your confidence tend to be regarding your standing with God? In things you do or what Jesus has already done for you?
  • How can you begin to rest in the finished work of Jesus in your life? How would confidence in that truth change how you live your daily life?


[expand title=”Curating Salvation”]
Romans 2:25-3:4

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • What are some things that are commonly said about people when they die? Consider the following: “she’s in a better place” or “he’s finally at peace” or “we’ll see them again someday.” Do you believe these statements? What has been your perspective about what happens to people when they die?
  • What was the spiritual significance of circumcision for the Jews in the Bible? In Romans 2:25-29, Paul talks about the circumcision of the heart. What was Paul’s challenge for the Jews? How does this apply in your own life?
  • Read Romans 2:29. Do you seek praise from people more than you seek praise from God? In what ways are you tempted to clean the outside of your cup? How do you posture yourself in a way that causes people to think more highly of you because of your curated outward image?
  • Read I Samuel 16:7. How’s your heart? Do you believe God knows all the inward things, the things we tend to keep hidden? How do you feel about that?
  • Read Romans 5:8-9. What do these verses say about the unending grace and mercy of God?


[expand title=”No One Is Righteous”]
Romans 3:5-20

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • How does Romans 3:9-20 shatter common ideas about what it means to “be a good person”?
  • How does the doctrine of Total Depravity (the teaching that we are thoroughly corrupt in our nature, actions, and motives) both humble us before God’s holiness and prevent us from being able to look down on others?
  • In what ways are you tempted to trust in and defend your own morality instead of counting on Jesus’ perfect righteousness for salvation?
  • How much has the undeserved love and grace of Jesus impacted your outlook on current events and personal relationships during our chaotic time?


[expand title=”You’re Not All That (But You Are)”]
Romans 3:21-31

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • What do you tend to brag about? Why do you think people brag in general?
  • If you were asked to boil down the Gospel in two or three sentences, how would you do it? Romans 3:21-31 is one of the clearest descriptions of the Gospel in the Bible. Take a few minutes with your Life Group to summarize the key Gospel truths found in this passage.
  • What is the mercy seat? What is the significance of God “presenting” Jesus as the mercy seat on our behalf?
  • Romans 3:28 says, “for we conclude that a person is justified by faith.” Describe your own faith. In what ways are you tempted to try to justify yourself? What will help you remember that, in Christ, you are already fully justified?


[expand title=”No Extra Credit Here”]
Romans 4:1-15

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • Justification by faith is a large and deep topic/doctrine. What about it do you understand? What are some parts of it that you have difficulty understanding or believing in?
  • Do you ever feel that God owes you something, or you deserve for something good to happen in your life? If so, what were some of these moments like? What led to this type of feeling?
  • Read all of Psalm 32. Share some reflections on the Psalm, particularly revolving around joy in recalling that your sins being covered by Jesus. Is this a common feeling you have?
  • How does your right standing with God because of Jesus Christ affect your interpersonal relationships? Are you able to freely confess, repent, and seek forgiveness for any wrongdoings with others?


[expand title=”The Last Laugh”]
Romans 4:13-25

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • Describe something that has happened in your life that could not be explained apart from God’s influence.
  • Have you ever prayed earnestly for something, hoping against hope, and been disappointed with the outcome? How did you respond?
  • Describe the faith of Abraham. What was the promise God made to Abraham? Why was this promise difficult for Abraham to believe?
  • As a group, make a list of promises from the Bible that you find encouraging. Here are some examples. Have each person pick one favorite promise, and encourage them to reflect on that promise daily during the next week.
  • What are some God sized prayers you can pray as a Life Group? Take a few minutes to pray together for people and situations that need God’s influence in order to change.


[expand title=”Sola Fide”]
Romans 5:1-5

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • Other than Jesus, what are some of the places where people in our culture turn to for hope? Why are these appealing? What makes them insufficient?
  • In what ways are you tempted to justify yourself based on your works? Have you, like Martin Luther, had a moment when you truly understood that your are justified (or “made righteous”) solely by faith in Jesus? How did that realization change your life?
  • Describe a recent affliction you faced. How did you handle it? Why is it important to rejoice (or “boast”) in the midst of affliction? Why is it difficult to do this?
  • Read Ephesians 2:8-9 out loud a few times. What are the important truths found within this passage? How would your life be different if you lived as though you believed the truths found in Ephesians 2:8-9?


[expand title=”God Proves His Love”]
Romans 5:6-11

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • Describe a situation or season in your life when you felt completely helpless. Is being helpless more of a positive or a negative feeling, or could it be both?
  • From Romans 5:6-11, what WAS true of each of us prior to God’s intervention? How would you describe the love of a God sent His Son to die for helpless, ungodly, sinful people who had made themselves His enemies?
  • From Romans 5:6-11, what IS true of each person who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ? What does it mean to be reconciled to God? What does it mean to be justified?
  • From Romans 5:6-11, what WILL Be true of each person who has placed their faith in Jesus Christ? How would you describe the future that awaits?
  • How is our study of the book of Romans impacting your life?


[expand title=”In Adam, In Christ”]
Romans 5:12-21

Conversation with your Life Group:

  • What are some examples of “bad news” and “good news” that have been significant in your life? Why were they so significant?
  • Our culture encourages “rugged individualism.” What aspects of your spiritual life do you see the desire to be too individualistic? Where do you need to include others in your spiritual life?
  • Read Romans 5:15-19. What “good news” encourages you the most from this passage? Why?
  • Do you have a hard time accepting gifts? Why or why not? Consider how this answer impacts your spiritual life and the gift of grace we have been offered through Christ’s work on the cross for us.  
