Riv Communities

We are not meant to be alone and we need other people to fully live out our calling.


The Gospel isn’t only about what we hear on Sunday mornings, but it’s about how we are changed day by day. Part of that is how we live our lives in community.

A Riv Community is a multi-generational group of 15-30 people that meets twice a month. These groups meet in homes or other public spaces around Lansing. In addition to gathering during weekend services as a large church family at each of our venues, this is a chance to invest in–and be connected with–those who live near you.

We’ll talk about life and how our faith intersects with what’s currently happening in the world and in our lives. There’s usually food and hanging out, along with great conversations, video teaching, music (sometimes), and serving opportunities. Overall, they are a place to be with others and have a chance to build meaningful relationships. A Riv Community:

  • Is a multi-generational group of 15-30 people meeting up around Lansing, based on geographic proximity.
  • Meets twice a month.
  • Is missional in the community, while in community with each other.

Being in community isn’t just for your own benefit, but for the collective good of your immediate community and the greater Lansing community.

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Now may the God who gives endurance and encouragement grant you to live in harmony with one another, according to Christ Jesus, so that you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ with one mind and one voice. Therefore welcome one another, just as Christ also welcomed you, to the glory of God.
- Romans 15:5-7