Aug 20, 2023
Live Stream
August 20, 2023
Thanks for joining us today at Riv! Check out the links above to stay connected with what’s going on.
Chaos and Element are starting soon!
As the school year gets closer (what?!) our student ministries are starting up once again. At Riverview we’re passionate about investing in the next generation. Our student ministries create a safe space for students to not only hear the Gospel through teaching, but through faithful relationships with leaders. We play games, eat snacks, and journey through this faith walk together.
Is the Westside Venue close to home? The WSV high schoolers meet as a Riv Community every other week at a local home, starting September 24 – contact Greg Stevens for details! Chaos meets inside door 6 at the WSV from 6:30-8pm every other week!
If you’re a part of the Reotown or Holt venue, starting on September 17, for the 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, Chaos meets every Sunday from 2pm to 4pm. Element (the high schoolers) will meet every Sunday at 4:30pm-6:30pm. The location will alternate between the Holt venue and the Reo venue. A calendar will be posted for convenience. If you have questions, please contact Annastasha Trevino directly.
If you’re interested in being a student mentor with the student ministries, we do have a mentorship orientation on September 9 from 10am to 2pm at the Holt venue. If you plan to lead the next generation through student ministries, this orientation will make everything official… and you’ll get lunch.
Not sure what being involved in Student Ministries might look like? Come to our Info Meeting on August 27th, 1pm-2pm at the Holt venue in room 202 to discuss what being a student leader may look like for you.
For more information on our student ministries or to sign up for the student mentor orientation, check out the Student Ministries page on our website at You can also follow us on social media with @rivstudentministries for real time updates!