Nov 19, 2023
Live Stream
November 19, 2023
Thanks for joining us today at Riv! Check out the links above to stay connected with what’s going on.
December 3rd, we’ll be gathering that evening for Jingle Jam a time of games, skits, teaching, singing, and snacks for the whole family, like VBS but packed into two hours of fun!
-at the Holt venue from 6-8 p.m.
-for more info and to register, visit!
We’ll be having Parent Child Dedications during the December 3rd weekend service at all three venues.
-this is a time for our Riv family to pray for you and your child as we commit, together, to raising up that child in faith.
-If you’d like to take this opportunity to dedicate your child(ren), we’d love to talk with you!
-visit to register