06.08.14 | Jesus Said What!? Series
“Make friends for yourself by means of unrighteous wealth”
Jesus Said What!?
At Riv, our mission is to make sacrificial followers of Jesus who grow, serve, and go. Sometimes that word “sacrificial” can be intimidating or overwhelming considering all that Jesus commands and asks of us. How do we obey His words in our everyday lives? How do we get the strength to love as He loved? How do we stand in light of His perfection? The simple answer is we can’t – at least, not by ourselves.
We’ve all got questions. Reading Jesus’ words, we can’t help but ask how we are to actually live our life as a Christ follower.
The purpose of this study guide is to join together in taking a look at some of Jesus’ crazy statements with your Life Group (or by yourself, but we’d strongly encourage you to engage in conversation with others, as that’s where growth happens). As you read through the text, be sure to ask yourself these questions:
What did this passage mean to the original audience?
What does this passage mean in a universal sense?
How can I apply this passage to my life right now?
Everything we do is about the person and work of Jesus. Each week, thousands of us gather together across the Lansing area at one of our Venues and in each other’s homes to talk about Jesus. We look outward to the nearly half a million people in the Lansing area and seek to share with them the good news and love that Jesus brings.