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Part 10

Hebrews 10:19-39


The middle of chapter ten represents a turning point in the book of Hebrews. Up until this point, the author has pieced together a compelling case for his Jewish audience. His argument is pretty simple: consider Jesus. He wisely anchors the evidence for his case in the truth and in the roots of Old Testament Jewish tradition and prophecy. Because Jesus is better than the angels, because Jesus is better than Moses, and because Jesus is better than the high priest Melchizadek, He’s worthy of our consideration. Because Jesus represents the better covenant, the better sanctuary, and the better sacrifice, He’s worthy of our consideration.

Consider Jesus. He is the Messiah. He has fulfilled the promises of the prophets. His sacrifice covers all our sins “once for all,” so that we might be saved into a glorious eternal future with God. Now, in chapter ten, the writer begins to give his readers their marching orders. He says, “therefore, since we have boldness to enter the sanctuary through the blood of Jesus, and since we have a great high priest over the house of God…” In other words, now that you’ve considered Jesus, and now that (hopefully) you’re convinced that you are truly free from sin because of Jesus, here are four things I want you to do:

Draw near. Knowing that your heart has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus, and having been baptized by faith in the name of Jesus, draw near to God. You are free to approach the living God! You can do this with confidence because you’ve considered Jesus and you’re convinced you are saved by grace through faith.
Hold on. Cling tightly to the hope you have in Christ, knowing that over and over again He has kept His promises. Through the distractions and storms of life hold on firmly and confidently knowing that your confession of Jesus as Savior has cemented your place in eternity.
Watch out. You’re not alone in your walk with Christ, and you shouldn’t try to do it alone. Keep an eye on one another. Watch out for each other. Make sure your words and actions are an encouragement to the other people in your faith community.
Do not neglect. Sometimes we grow weary. We stop connecting with other followers of Jesus. We try to make it on our own. Don’t let this happen! Make sure you are not neglecting to gather together. You need each other. Be an encouragement to one another!

In his final instruction, the author urges his readers to do these things “all the more as you see the day approaching.” Time is short. The return of Jesus is near. Since He is the Messiah, enter the sanctuary with boldness! Again, as with the earlier sections in Hebrews, the writer anchors his case in the truth of the Old Testament prophets. He quotes from Isaiah and Habakkuk, through whom God promised that “the Coming One (Jesus) will come and not delay.” Jesus is coming back. If you have faith in Him you are saved. In the meantime, until the days of His return, “let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, let us hold on to the confession of our hope, and let us watch out for one another, not neglecting to gather together.”

But we are not those who draw back and are destroyed, but those who have faith and are saved.
Hebrews 10:39

Old Testament References

  • Deuteronomy 32:35-36
  • Isaiah 26:20
  • Habakkuk 2:3-4

Other Verses

  • Romans 15
  • Ephesians 4:1-29
  • 1 Thessalonians 5:11

To Consider

  • Have you gotten out of the habit of gathering together with other Christ followers? What step can you take to reverse that trend?
  • Are you able to approach the God of the universe with confidence? Why or why not? What holds you back? How do the truths and promises in Hebrews encourage you to be more bold?
  • Who has been an encouragement in your life? What specifically did that person do or say that was encouraging? If you get a chance, reach out to that person and thank them for their influence in your life.

To Do

Think of someone you’d like to encourage. Start by spending some time in prayer for that person, that God’s grace and truth would be known to them. Make a commitment to intentionally say or do something to encourage that person once a week for the next month. You might send them a text, or call them on the phone, or you might even try a handwritten note of encouragement. Make sure that person knows they’re appreciated and prayed for.

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[expand title=”Life Group Questions: Holt Venue”]

  • Take a few minutes to read aloud the Scripture from Hebrews 10:19-39. What truths about God can be understood from these passages? What observations can be made about people? What questions come to mind?
  • Tell the story of when/how you first chose to draw near to God with a sincere heart. What helped you to believe He is trustworthy? Do you have the “full assurance of faith?”
  • Does your faith waver? Why? What are some promises from God’s Word that can help you to hold on to the confession of your hope without wavering?
  • Describe a season in your life when you “neglected to gather together” for encouragement with other believers. Why did this happen? Do your current interactions with other believers provoke you to love and good deeds?
  • Take some time as a Life Group to pray prayers of thankfulness to God for sending the great high priest Jesus to sacrifice His own blood on our behalf so we could be saved for eternity.


[expand title=”Life Group Questions: MSU Venue”]

  • Take a few minutes to read aloud the Scripture from Hebrews 10:19-39. What truths about God can be understood from these passages? What observations can be made about people? What questions come to mind?
  • Hebrews 10:24-25 states different actions we can partake in within our communities (provoke love, provoke good works, not neglect to gather together, and encourage one another). What are some action steps that you can take that pertain to each of these items?
  • When our hearts are left unchecked, we no longer are only susceptible to have it wander away from God, but rather, we may end up deliberately turning from God. Why do you think this is? Does a stagnant heart actually exist (or is it actually drifting away from God)? What are some things you can do to prevent your heart from wandering? How can your life group come alongside you and help you out?
  • “Community is not found, it is built.” The meaning of this quote points to the reality that investment into our local communities and the people that make them up is essential. What are some communities outside of Riv that you 1) are plugged into and/or 2) are thinking about getting plugged into? Within the communities you are part of (including Riv), what are some ways that you can “grow your roots” and build into them?


[expand title=”Life Group Questions: REO Town Venue”]

  • Take a few minutes to read aloud the Scripture from Hebrews 10:32-39; 10:21-25; Matthew 5:11-12; Psalm 16:11; James 1:2-4. What truths about God can be understood from these passages? What observations can be made about people? What questions come to mind?
  • What emotions and fears do we typically experience when facing various forms of hardship? How does hardship threaten to disturb our confidence and endurance?
  • Life consists both of what happens to us (circumstances we don’t choose) and how we choose to respond. Read Hebrews 10:32-34 and consider the recipients of the letter of Hebrews. What circumstances and hardships did they previously face? What was their response in the midst of those trials?
  • Considering Hebrews 10:34-35, what is the better and enduring possession that belongs to all Christians? How does that possession give us confidence and endurance?
  • What are the trials you are presently facing and how have they impacted your confidence and endurance?
  • If you are a Christian, how does the promise and reassurance of Hebrews 10:39 impact your ability to press on despite hardship?


[expand title=”Life Group Questions: Westside Venue”]

  • Take a few minutes to read aloud the Scripture from Hebrews 10:19-39, Hebrews 4:16, Hebrews 2:1, Hebrews 10:14 and 2 Timothy 4:3,9. What truths about God can be understood from these passages? What observations can be made about people? What questions come to mind?
  • Read Hebrews 10:19-25. Are there any “let us” exhortations in that passage that encourage you? Are there any that you would like to pursue with greater effort?
  • Why do people reject the Gospel? What are the most prominent reasons why people choose their own way instead of Jesus? How are you tempted to disbelieve?
  • Look back at your life as a Christian. What fruit have you seen God produce in your life? How have you endured? Where do you need to endure right now?
  • Think about Hebrews 10:24-25 as a Life Group. How can you, as a community of believers, “provoke one another towards love and good works?”
