August 14, 2014
Baptisms at Riv: Being Made New

[intro]You have to admit, the concept of baptism is kind of a weird one, especially if you’re new to the church. Pulling a giant hot tub to the front of the church and dipping people under water for a few seconds? What’s up with that?[/intro]
The truth is, baptism is a tradition steeped with history and meaning, and it’s our way of telling the world that we have been made new.
Joining a Community of Believers
In ancient times, slaves were often baptized after they were sold to announce to the community that they now had a new master. The early Christians adopted the practice to symbolize their new life in Jesus and to identify with His death, burial, and resurrection. Like a wedding ceremony, it is an outward demonstration of our inward love and symbolizes our death to the old life by going under water and resurrection to a new one by rising up out of it (1 Corinthians 15:3-4; Colossians 2:12; 2 Corinthians 5:17; Romans 6:4).
Baptism itself isn’t a salvation issue—we’re saved by grace alone, through faith, and salvation is a free gift of God that cannot be earned by any good works. Baptism is symbolic and simply an act of obedience to Christ. (Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).
That being said, as believers we are commanded to be baptized (Acts 2:41; Acts 8:12-13; Acts 9:18). It’s an opportunity to imitate Jesus’ example (Luke 3:21) and to “witness” to others that you are now a Christian (Acts 2:41). In fact, shortly before he returned to Heaven, Jesus commanded that we “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…” (Matthew 28:28-20). So getting baptized is an act of obedience to him.
A Life Made New
So what brings people to be baptized anyway? Beyond simple obedience, for many people, it’s about telling the story of Christ’s transforming power in their own life. Check out this video of some of the people who got baptized on Easter Sunday, and see how Jesus stepped in and made them new.
Riverview is having outdoor baptisms at Valhalla Park on Sunday, August 24 after the 11:30 service. Email [email protected] for more information, or just show up and see how God has been at work in peoples’ lives!
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