March 7, 2018
Hope in the Midst of Lament

No matter who you are, the ailments of this world affect everyone at some point in their life. The root of all the destruction, disease, and damage that we experience is found in sin. With such a discouraging and potentially hopeless reality, what do we do in light of this and how do we make sense of it all? Well, God is most definitely in control and is not surprised by the aching experiences caused by sin. Since He is aware of it all, we can lean into Him for comfort and refuge, though it may be difficult to do so. Through Christ, we can experience and have a sure comfort of hope in the midst of such difficult seasons in our lives because He has conquered sin, the root of it all. That is the Gospel hope that we have.
This is a highlight video from James Granger message from Riv’s Thread series. You can view the entire message here.
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