October 15, 2014

Meet a MSU Student: Brad

Main image for Meet a MSU Student: Brad

[intro]Each week, the MSU Venue introduces a different student on campus. This week, we’re introducing you to Brad.[/intro]

So if not coffee, what in the world has gotten you through college? (can’t say Jesus, Jesus is a given)

Brad: “Getting through” college makes it sound bad; I am actually trying to figure out ways to stay here longer. The rumors are true, I don’t drink coffee, but if I had to pick something, Super Smash Bros would probably top the list.

What has been the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?

Brad: I have no idea. The first thing that comes to mind is that awesome double rainbow that was on campus like a week ago. I am sure there is something else, but that was quite beautiful.

How has transparency affected your leadership?

Brad: As a leader I want people to grow, and I know that bringing our sin out of the dark will allow for more growth. So I am transparent so others feel comfortable to do the same.

Has working in campus ministry turned you into a hipster yet?

Brad: Hipster, the fashion trend? People can call me hipster all they want, but I still say no. Hipster, the anti-conformist? No, because I was already an anti-conformist before coming to Riverview.

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