October 17, 2014
A God Who Creates

[intro]We serve a creator God. The first sentence of the Bible in Genesis says, “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” In fact, God’s creation of the world points us to himself. [/intro]
Amidst the chaos of a sinful and fallen world, we can still see God’s design in the beauty around us. God is creator of all things and his creation tells us that God is omnipotent and able to do anything. We marvel at the world around us and recognize our finite understanding of both the massive scale and intricacy of this world.
From the time the world was created, people have seen the earth and sky and all that God made. They can clearly see his invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature. So they have no excuse whatsoever for not knowing God. – Romans 1:20
The Life-Creator
God created Adam and Eve and placed them in creation. He gave them life to bring glory to his name. Despite the sin that disrupts our relationship with the Father above, he still knows every detail about each one of us and is the author of our life. Our own lives point to a creator that has knit together an impossibly complex and beautiful design. We struggle to replicate any one piece of the human bodies design even with modern science and medical advances. The human heart beats about 100,000 times a day, sending blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels. Our greatest inventions will eternally pale in comparison to God’s creativity and perfect design.
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. – Psalm 139:13-14
The Art-Creator
God also created and inspired the Bible, which is our source for understanding who God is. His attributes are on display in the creation around us and the word he has given us. God put together a document that is unique in literature and recognized the world over. The Bible is God’s specific and infallible word to us. It is the most impactful piece of literature in human history. God did not just give us a rule book, he spoke to us through his people with prose, poetry, short stories, etc. Jesus himself captured crowds with narratives that explained God’s character. The Bible is full of songwriters and lyricists, kings and prophets who gave glory to God in their own unique way.
Our Passions and the Great Creator
God has geared us to find enjoyment in everything from Rembrandt to The Beatles (and of course cherry pie). No matter if we are more left brained or right brained, if we view ourselves as artistic or pragmatic, all of our passions are rooted in some detail of God’s creation.
The simple definition of good creativity falls in line with our lives as a whole. Are our actions honoring and pleasing to God? Everything we do, whether creating art or doing work or simply enjoying someone else’s work, should be about Jesus and point to him. We should feel incredible joy at the freedom that God has given us in how we bring glory to his name.
Riverview has a number of talented artists and musicians. Check out some of our local artists’ work in the Corridor Gallery at the Holt venue.
Image Credit: Shape Study No. 1 by Jeremy Mason
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