October 22, 2014
Meet an MSU Student: Brittiany

[intro]Each week, the MSU Venue introduces a different student on campus. This week, we’re introducing you to Brittiany.[/intro]
What does being an “up north” girl mean to you?
Brittiany: I absolutely love living in northern Michigan and wouldn’t trade it for the world. The simplicity of living in a small town is something that I have come to appreciate. One of my favorite things about where I live is the beauty of the nature around me. I live in the country and all I have to do is go home to truly find peace. My hometown is also known for the fall color season and we get many tourists that come to travel through the ‘Tunnel of Trees.’ One of my favorite activities up north is going “mushrooming” (mushroom picking) during the springtime. Walking through the woods while mushrooming with your family is a way to truly witness God’s creation.What I learned from living up north was simply to find the beauty and joy in the little things.
What are your greatest fears, and in what ways have you conquered them since coming to college?
Brittiany: There are so many things in life that can be scary to think about and to face. One of my biggest fears is being open and vulnerable. It has been extremely difficult for me to learn how to open up to people without being afraid of being hurt. Joining the MAPS lifegroup has really taught me how important it is to share your feelings and struggles and to offer those fears up to God.
What makes your heart happiest?
Brittiany: The simplistic answer is love. Knowing that God’s love in eternal and knowing that He loves me regardless of any mistakes I have made and will continue to make. Another aspect to that is having my friends and my family close to me. Being able to share the most precious moments in your life with the people you love is a true gift from God and something that I never want to take for granted.
Can you explain what MS is and how it has affected you?
Brittiany: Multiple Sclerosis, also referred to as MS, is an autoimmune disease that attacks your central nervous system. Basically what this means is that your immune system is attacking the nerves of your brain and spinal cord, which can affect many different things such as muscle control, vision, balance, and sensation. My MS has affected my vision, causing me to no longer be able to distinguish colors to the same extent that I used to be able to. Fortunately for me, I have not had to experience many other symptoms as of yet. Being diagnosed with MS has been difficult for my family and me. MS is very prevalent in my family tree and we have lost some family members due to this disease. My mom also has MS and watching her faith and perseverance through her personal fight with MS has greatly inspired me.
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