October 1, 2014

Meet a MSU Student: Emily

Main image for Meet a MSU Student: Emily

[intro]Each week, the MSU Venue introduces a different student on campus. This week we’re introducing you to Emily.[/intro]

How has God worked the bad for good in your life?

Out of some of the bad situations I went through I have also been able to make a lot of connections with people. I understand what it means to have depression, or to go through tough family issues. Those situations have made me more relatable to people I may be able to reach out and help. God also brought my family closer together out of all the bad. And ultimately, I found God through all of the bad, which has been the biggest foundation of “good” throughout my entire life!

What is your favorite part about autumn (besides my birthday!)?

That’s a tough choice between pumpkin items, cute sweaters and beautiful fall colors… but I must say apple picking! Apple picking encompasses all of the great fall things. Spending time with friends and family, searching for the perfect apple or pumpkin, WHILE wearing cute sweaters and gazing off into the distance at beautiful treetops of gold and amber. And then at the end of the trip sipping on some locally milled apple cider and sugary donuts. YAAS. Oh. I also love Halloween.

Who has influenced your walk with God the most and why?

EmilyThat is such a tough choice. A lot of people have stood by me during my walk with the Lord and have encouraged me and answered questions. I have to say my boyfriend, Jake and my friend, Angie. Both of them are great role models. They live their lives following Jesus, and you can tell. Jake is a super patient and selfless person and has shown me what a Godly man looks like. Angie is one of the most compassionate and loving people I have ever met in my whole life. But they were both there for me to answer questions that I didn’t understand about God and admitted to me when they didn’t know. These two were there at the beginning but are still the two people who stand by me in all my choices and my growth for the Lord.

What is the best temp to keep carrots at in the fridge?

Probably 38.6 degrees. You don’t want them to freeze (freezing changes the chemical composition of fruits and veggies. For example, freeze then thaw lettuce and it’ll get really weird. TRY IT!)!

What are your initial feelings when I say “Horrocks Farmers Market”?

AHHHHHH!!!!! SO MUCH EXCITEMENT! I LOVE HORROCKS!!!!! They have delicious produce, foods in bulk, and you get a free cup of coffee every time you go! Plus cut flowers sold individually! WHAT’S NOT TO LOVE? Plus they have an awesome garden department so you can grow all sorts of glorious crops.

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