May 5, 2016

Stephen Ministers: A Heart for the Hurting

Main image for Stephen Ministers: A Heart for the Hurting

We all go through tough times in life. Times that can seem turbulent and unsettling and even hopeless. In the midst of these challenging and difficult seasons of life, it can be extremely helpful to have someone come alongside us to lend us understanding and encouragement and the will to push through them. It’s assuring to have someone else identify with these situations and provide stability, hope, and Biblical principles that can help us through the temporary storms of life.

That is what a Stephen Minister is able to provide: a listening ear, a supportive perspective, and principles from God’s Word that help ease us through the challenges of life.

Who are Stephen Ministers?

At Riverview, we have individuals who are compassionate and trained to help us when we encounter times of loss, grief, relational challenges, and a myriad of things that tend to throw our lives into a tailspin. These Stephen Ministers are not counselors. They are not “know-it-alls.” They are not individuals who can fix everyone’s troubles. They simply are people who are able to provide, love, care, and support for us when we need it the most. They are a listening ear, a different perspective, a caring individual who is able to help us navigate our present situation.

Perhaps you are in need of someone like this for yourself, a friend, or a family member. Maybe you simply want to learn how to listen effectively and deeply identify with the needs and hurts of others. Stephen Ministry may be just what you need—no matter if you need help and support from others, or you want to be more purposeful in helping provide love and care for others.

Becoming a Stephen Minister

For those who want to grow in being able to come alongside and support others in a more intentional way, we provide 50 hours of training to become a Stephen Minister. Through this training, you will learn the skills that are required to provide Christ-centered care for others. You will receive resources and practical in-class/hands-on help in learning to meet the needs of others both emotionally, spiritually, and physically. We also provide on-going monthly continuing education with skills and principles that will help you provide care, along with small group support and encouragement. Our team of Stephen Ministry Leaders are available to help you grow and support you as you lend help to others.

So, whether you are in need of support in your own life, or you want to hone and develop your own personal skills to support and care for others, Stephen Ministry is available in both situations.

For more information about how Stephen Ministry can help you, or how you can receive the necessary training to become a Stephen Minister, contact us at [email protected]. Also, be sure to check out Stephen Ministry online.

We all need help from time to time, and you can be sure that your request for a Stephen Minister will be confidential.

Image Credit: Paolo Valdivieso

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Donec sed odio dui. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Praesent commodo cursus magna, vel scelerisque nisl consectetur et. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus vestibulum id ligula porta.

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