Sunday January 17, 2021
Over the past year, we’ve all gone through innumerable changes and challenges in our lives. Missed birthdays, cancelled plans, disappointing decisions, lost loved ones, and heart-wrenching examples of sin in action. Yet through all of this, we know that God is sovereign and He is in control. As chaotic as the world can be, that truth brings us hope and clarity.
For everything was created by him,
in heaven and on earth,
the visible and the invisible,
whether thrones or dominions
or rulers or authorities—
all things have been created through him and for him.
He is before all things,
and by him all things hold together.
Colossians 1:16-17
The Church Body
Having not been physically together over the last ten months has been a struggle for us all, but we’ve seen the church family step up to love, serve, and connect with one another; this is what the Church does. No matter life’s circumstances, we point each other and ourselves to the truth of the Gospel and let God change us from the inside out.
The Church has remained the Church even with our physical doors closed, and, as we look forward, the Church will remain the Church through both in-person and online gatherings.
Step One
We’ve held wisdom and safety as our main determinants in key decisions over this last year. We feel that the time is right to re-introduce in-person gatherings at Riv.
Starting on January 31, 2021 we’ll be starting Step One of reopening in-person weekend services at our venues. We’re calling this Step One for a few reasons. Step One is going to look different than what we have done in the past, and different from what we’re doing currently. We need the opportunity to gather face-to-face and are taking this first step toward that end. With each new step we enter, attending a service will look different. Just as you are navigating life in new and unfamiliar ways, we are also figuring this out as we go. We ask for your grace and understanding as we move forward together.
Step One of reopening will have in-person weekend services at our Holt, REO Town, and Westside Venues. These will be limited in capacity, with masks required by all those in attendance for the duration of their time in the building. Seating will be physically distanced and all will need to register in advance to ensure a safe environment during the service. For Step One of reopening, RivKids will not be provided, and those that wish to join service as a family will all sit together in the Auditorium.
You can register for online services starting Monday at 10am. You’ll be able to find out more about what to expect about joining in person and register at RIVCHURCH.COM/VISIT. Please register for only yourself and your household. By registering you’re agreeing to wear a mask while in Riverview buildings.
Keeping Each Other Safe
We are putting these changes and procedures in place to keep each other safe. This is an opportunity to look out for each other and posture ourselves with love toward those around us. We’ll be carrying out enhanced cleaning before, between, and after all services at all venues. We ask that while within Riverview you submit to these required safety measures, and if for whatever reason you are unable to follow these guidelines, we encourage you to join online.
Online & In-Person
As we move forward in wisdom, we will continue gathering as a church family online, Sunday mornings at 10am while we are in Step One. You can still gather with your family, your roommates, Life Group, neighbors, or dog for online service. We see the uncertainty of our world and want to continue providing this means of gathering for you.
In all of these new steps, please join us in prayer for each other, our church family, and our leadership as we make decisions for Riverview. God is in control and we continue to rest in His glory and trust in Him. As we move forward in these hybrid online and in-person spaces, we will continue to proclaim the liberating power of the Gospel as we grow, serve, and go.