
06.07.20 | Scattered Series

Suffering for the Gospel

Noel Heikkinen

Peter 4:1 -11

Justin Detmers

Pastor | Director of Training and Engagement

Image of Justin Detmers

What do you do here at Riv?

I’m the REO Town Venue Pastor.

What does it look like to be a pastor at Riv?

Generally, I try to show people the grace Jesus gives me as I follow Him imperfectly.
More specifically, I lead weekend REO Town services and shepherd the beloved folks who attend. In addition to hosting services and working to organize and grow the teams and leaders within the REO Town Venue, I preach a bit and make connections with people in the city at large.

What are some dreams you have within your role?

To build a flourishing community of faith that is ‘in REO for the good Lansing.’ To be a community where people from diverse and even skeptical backgrounds can come to seek God without pretense and meet fellow people who are journeying sincerely. More specifically, through services and events, I want to foster biblical and cultural literacy such that people can authentically meet Jesus right where they are at.

How do you spend your free time?

What is this “free time” you speak of?!
Just kidding, with 3 kids my free time is occupied by building Legos and driving children to soccer practice. On rare occasions, I strum a guitar, cast a fly rod, and root for the sport teams.

Top three shows?

Stranger Things, Portlandia, and basically every ESPN 30 for 30 (especially ones that involve Dennis Rodman).

Anything you’re involved in and excited to share with the Riv fam?

I also moonlight teaching courses in social studies education at MSU; it is an honor and thrill to engage with bright pre-service teachers over matters of citizenship and learning.