RivKids Casting Call
We are looking for kids between the ages of 5 and 13 to participate in our Christmas Eve services.
Attention RivKids Families!
We are looking for kids between the ages of 5 and 13 to participate in our Christmas Eve services.
Specifically, we need:
- 26 kids at Holt
- 26 kids at Westside Venue
- 13 kids at REO
Here’s what you need to know:
- No acting experience is necessary! There are no speaking roles.
- Kids will be given a costume and come on stage during several scripture readings to pose as the people from Jesus’ birth story in Luke 2 during one of the Christmas Eve services.
- You must be able to attend a rehearsal right after church at your venue on December 10, 2023. You must also be able to arrive at the Christmas Eve service one hour early to rehearse. (Service times are listed below for each venue.)
- If you are interested, please click below to sign up. You’ll be taken to a SignUp Genius form where you can select the venue, service time, and role your child would like to participate in. Sign-ups will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Once spots are filled, we will contact you to confirm.