Better. Sufficient. Perfect.
This is the message of the book of Hebrews.
Jesus Christ is a better mediator than the prophets or the angels, better than Moses, or Joshua, or Aaron. Jesus Christ alone is sufficient for salvation, surpassing the tabernacle, the sacrifices, and the High Priests of the ancient Jewish system of atonement. Jesus Christ is the perfect and sinless Messiah, the Savior of the world.
Jesus Christ is better, because He is sufficient, and He is perfect.
Because this is true, the unknown writer of Hebrews wrote a heartfelt plea to his Jewish friends filled with theology, instruction, and warning. His purpose in writing this powerful letter was to encourage his Jewish readers to avoid drifting from their faith by keeping their eyes fixed on Jesus.
Friends, just like the author of Hebrews I am convinced that Jesus Christ is better, that He is sufficient, and that He is perfect. My prayer for you as you study through Hebrews is that you would trust in Jesus alone to bear your sins, and then live your life in a way that points others to the better, sufficient, and perfect Savior, Jesus Christ.
For Christ,
Pastor James Granger
Riverview Church
January 4, 2020