Part 3
Hebrews 3:1-19
Chapter three begins with a call to action: consider Jesus. The author then presents a case as to why Jesus is worthy of our consideration. He says that because we are holy brothers and sisters of Jesus, we share in His holy calling. The author refers to Jesus as the apostle and high priest of our confession. This terminology would have been meaningful to a Jewish audience because in their tradition it was the high priest who heard their confessions. In other words, the high priest served as the mediator between God and His people. Describing Jesus as the high priest makes Him worthy of consideration for the readers of Hebrews.
Perhaps the most compelling reason the readers of Hebrews are encouraged to consider Jesus is the author’s comparison of the faithfulness of Jesus to the faithfulness of Moses. Moses was one of the most revered heroic leaders in the entire Old Testament. God used Moses to save His people from their Egyptian enslavement. God chose to deliver the Ten Commandments through Moses. The writer of Hebrews says that Moses was faithful as a servant in all of God’s household. It’s difficult to imagine a person more highly regarded in Jewish history than Moses. And yet, as faithful as Moses was, the author of Hebrews says Jesus is considered more worthy of glory than Moses. Although Moses served faithfully in God’s household, Jesus is the better Moses because He is the originator and builder of that very household. Ultimately, it’s the reason we ought to consider Jesus, because in serving God’s household faithfully, Moses was actually serving Jesus all along.
Once again, the author frames his case within Old Testament prophecy. Twice he quotes Psalm 95, which contains the warning to “not harden your hearts.” This reference goes all the way back to the days when Moses was leading God’s people through the wilderness and their hearts grew hard toward God. Through these verses the writer of Hebrews links Moses to Jesus. In the time of Moses, the Jews forgot that it was God who had saved them. Their hearts became hard. He warns his readers to avoid having history repeat itself. He urges them to “hold firmly” to Christ “until the end” and to be careful not to become “hardened by sin’s deception” the way the Jews did in the time of Moses.
This is the message of Hebrews, that we’d consider Jesus and then never drift from our faith in Him. He is better than the angels. He is better than Moses. He is the sufficient mediator between us and God. He is the perfect Savior, the most faithful servant in the household that He Himself built. Consider Jesus. He is worthy of glory. Watch out. Hear His voice. Do not harden your heart. Make sure your heart never turns away from the living God.
Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.
Hebrews 3:15
Old Testament References
- The book of Exodus
- Deuteronomy 1:26-38
- Psalm 95
Other Verses
- Matthew 5:43-48
- 2 Corinthians 13:5
- 2 Peter 1:5-10
To Consider
- Is there an area in your life where your heart is hard toward God? Why? What would help to soften your heart?
- What are some ways you typically remind yourself to attend to things you might otherwise forget? Do you set an alarm? Tie a string around your finger? How can you apply those same strategies to help you avoid forgetting God’s grace in your life?
- In the first-century world, being compared favorably to Moses was a big deal. Is there someone in our current culture whose name carries the same weight? Who do people hold in esteem today that don’t hold a candle to who Jesus is?
To Do
At the beginning of chapter three the author implores his readers to consider Jesus. Brainstorm some ideas on how you might be able to remind yourself to consider Jesus on a more regular basis. For the next week, commit to building a consistent rhythm into your life where you stop and consider Jesus, reminding yourself of His grace in your life and expressing gratitude for that grace.
[expand title=”Life Group Questions”]
- Take a few minutes to read aloud the Scripture from Hebrews 3:1-19. What truths about God can be understood from these passages? What observations can be made about people? What questions come to mind?
- Generally speaking, what is the story of Moses? Why do you think he is considered “faithful as a servant in all God’s household?” Why is it a big deal that Jesus is “worthy of more glory” than Moses?
- How’s your heart toward God? Is it receptive, or hard? Why?
- Do you have people in your life who love you closely enough that they can be truthful with you? How willing are you to receive honest feedback from others about the sin, weakness, and disbelief in your life?
- When did you first consider the idea that Jesus could be your Savior?