04.16.23 | If Then
Gospel Perspective
Noel Heikkinen
Colossians 1:1-8
If we have hope in the truth of the gospel, it changes our perspective and we join in the work God is doing around the world, bearing fruit and loving the saints. Pastor Noel Heikkinen kicks us off into our new series “If Then” by walking us through Colossians 1:1-8.
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Gospel Perspective
So if you have been raised with Christ, seek the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.
Colossians 3:1–3
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s will…
Colossians 1:1
Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by God’s will, and Timothy our brother:
Colossians 1:1
To the saints in Christ at Colossae, who are faithful brothers and sisters. Grace to you and peace from God our Father.
Colossians 1:2
We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you,
Colossians 1:3
for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints
Colossians 1:4
for we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all the saints because of the hope
reserved for you in heaven. You have already heard about this hope in the word of truth, the gospel…
Colossians 1:4–5
The gospel is the good news that God sets sinners free through the life, death, burial, resurrection, and
ascension of Jesus.
because of the hope reserved for you in heaven. You have already heard about this hope in the word of truth, the gospel that has come to you. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has among you since the day you heard it and came to truly appreciate God’s grace.
Colossians 1:5–6
the gospel that has come to you. It is bearing fruit and growing all over the world, just as it has among you since the day you heard it and came to truly appreciate God’s grace.
You learned this from Epaphras, our dearly loved fellow servant. He is a faithful minister of Christ on your behalf, and he has told us about your love in the Spirit.
Colossians 1:7–8
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