May 26, 2015


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[intro] One of my friends likes to say that everyone goes though “need to know” and “need to grow” moments.  At these critical junctures, we often need help processing various questions about our faith and how it intersects with what we are going through.  When asked, I often find myself recommending the same resources again and again.  Listed below are the ones I have found are the most helpful.  Feel free to bookmark this page so you can come back to it when you have a “need to know” or “need to grow” moment.[/intro] – This site has over 4,000 answers to frequently asked Bible questions and it’s the number one place I send people who email me. – This site is quite a bit more in depth, so if you are looking for a more robust (ie – longer) treatment of various theological issues, this may be where you want to go. – Stand to Reason trains Christians to think more clearly about their faith and to make an even-handed, incisive, yet gracious defense Christianity and Christian values. – “In essentials, unity. In non-essentials, liberty. In all things, charity.” Credo House is an evangelical organization devoted to the centrality of Christ in all things and is committed to teaching and defending the Christian faith.

Theology Unplugged Podcast – This is hands-down my favorite podcast. It is essentially a group of guys that get together and have a theologically-rich conversations in about a half hour.

Reason for God – A fantastic read by Tim Keller on why God makes sense and why the Christian version of God makes the most sense.

Gospel – Sometimes (all of the time), we need to just go back to the beginning. This book reminds us of why the Gospel is central to all of life.

Who is Jesus? – This book explores the historical proof for Jesus.

Inerrancy – This book explores why we can and should trust the Bible. It’s a long read, but worth it if that is something you are wrestling with.

Stranger on the Road to Emmaus – Following the lead of Jesus showing a couple guys how the whole Bible is about him, this easy to read book works through the whole Bible and shows how it is all Jesus-centered.

Cold-Case Christianity – A former atheist homicide detective uses his experience to work through the truthfulness of Christianity.


Image Credit: The Indy Reading Coalition

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