October 29, 2015

Riv’s Westside Venue

Main image for Riv’s Westside Venue

It’s hard to believe that it was about a year ago that the idea of Riv’s Westside Venue started forming. It was this time last year that the former church contacted us about purchasing their building. Over the next several months there was a lot of praying, planning, and preparing. We finally got the keys in June and then we had 90 days to make it feel like Riv. It was amazing to see all the volunteers that came out from all of our venues to help get everything ready. It was encouraging to see us come together as a church and as a community.

It has been a crazy summer; looking back there was so much that had to be done as we were working toward our September launch date, but God provided what we needed. He provided the people and the resources and it’s truly amazing to see what God is doing by using Riv on the west side. We are seeing people worshipping God and hearing the Gospel on a regular basis. We are seeing what the word of God is doing in people. God is getting the glory and He is using us in ways we never thought possible.

Life Groups are really taking off and growing. So many people are jumping in and getting involved. It’s encouraging to see so many new people now engaging with others at Riverview, within their Life Groups, and in their neighborhoods. We would love to have more people think about leading a Life Group, to step up and open their homes, and love people within their community.

One of the biggest positives we’ve seen is how engaged the kids are. Parents are seeing their kids having fun and playing but also hearing about Jesus each week. They see the excitement on their kids’ faces and it makes them want to come back. It makes them eager to worship God and hear the Gospel in the same place that their kids are hearing the same message. As of this posting, we’ve had seven weekend services and over 50 families register that have never been to Riv before!

Riv continues to be one church in multiple locations and opening our Westside Venue has really emphasized why we do this. Before this venue opened we had people driving 30 minutes or more to get to Riv. They live, work, and go to school on the west side and now they can attend church here too. When the Westside opened it wasn’t as if people were leaving their church in Holt or REO Town – this is still Riverview – but now it’s Riverview in the context of where they live and work. They can now bring friends, classmates, and coworkers to Riverview instead of asking them to leave where they live. We’re here to love this city, serve its people, and continue to proclaim the liberating power of the Gospel.

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