November 25, 2014

Two Ways to Give to Riv While You Shop

Main image for Two Ways to Give to Riv While You Shop

It’s not really possible to overestimate the importance of giving. For one thing, God loves generosity from his people; it’s all over the Bible. In Leviticus 23:22, farmers were commanded to leave a portion of their fields for poor people and travelers to glean. And in 2 Corinthians 8:1-5, Paul sings the praises of a poor church who gave generously “first to the Lord and then by the will of God to us.”

There’s also the practical reason: virtually all local churches (including and especially Riv) require money to spread the gospel. It’s the full-time pastoral team’s paycheck, so they don’t have to divide their attention between gospel teaching and trying to feed their families. It’s the utility bills, so we can have lights and running water. And Riv also gives of the church’s budget to support Back2Back ministries in Mexico. So it’s important to give regularly and generously.

But did you know you don’t even have to specifically give to give? Two shopping corporations, Meijer and Amazon, have created programs to give back a portion of your purchase to the church or charity of your choice–including Riverview.

Meijer Community Rewards

If you’ve lived in Michigan for any amount of time, you’re aware of this giant grocery store chain. For many of us, it’s probably our go-to choice for “our daily bread.”

Meijer Community Rewards allows you to choose an organization to support with every purchase. By using a Meijer credit card, or swiping a Meijer1 card with every cash or PIN-debit purchase, a certain percentage of every purchase will be donated to Riv.

You can sign up for the Community Rewards program here. Enter Riv’s code (370945), or search for another local organization to support.

Amazon Smile

Amazon donates 0.5% of eligible purchases to a non-profit of your choice (including Riv) when you shop using The first time you sign in to Amazon using the Smile website, you’ll be asked to pick an organization. Just search for Riverview Community Church, and make sure you select the “Holt, MI” Riverview, or you can pick another charity of your choice. Then do all your Amazon shopping from

The big trick there is remembering to use Smile to shop. The good news is, if you use the Chrome browser, it’s easy! Just install the extension “Smile Always” from the Chrome store, and you’ll always be redirected to Smile.

Neither of these methods can substitute generous, joyful giving. But when giving is this easy, there’s no reason not to, whether to Riv or another organization you’re passionate about.


Got questions, comments, or suggestions for this blog? We’d love to hear them! Just e-mail us at [email protected].

Image source: Wonderlane

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