September 23, 2016
Three Life-Changing Experiences I Gained Through A Riv Missions Trip

I’ve had a lot of experiences in my life. Some good. Some not so good. Some I try to forget. One experience that greatly impacted my life for the better was the mission trip I took to Mazatlan, Mexico a few years ago. Riverview has the privilege of teaming up with Back2Back Ministries, a mission organization that serves orphans in Mexico.
From my experience as an American Christian, going on a “mission” trip is something that we often do for the purpose of feeling good about ourselves, like assisting people or a group less advantaged than us. You know—spend a few days there, do some good things, have some good experiences, then go home and continue my normal life. It can be so easy to simply go somewhere, come back, and carry on as normal. There can be some short-lived excitement and impact that a mission trip may have, but often the excitement and impact is minimal at best.
Such was not my experience in Mazatlan, and I’m thankful that God opened my eyes to be able to see the greater picture for my life from our time in Mazatlan.
Living in our American culture can so easily be taken for granted. We have so many opportunities and avenues to love and serve others. Not only do we have the time, but also the financial resources to make a difference for the Gospel in ways a lot of the rest of the world does not have.
Let me share a few reasons why going on a Riv mission trip such as this can be so valuable and important to so many people:
1. We get to serve and build relationships with the hurting
We have the privilege of serving and loving those who so desperately need our love and care. Kids who have been abandoned, neglected, and pushed aside for a plethora of reasons. In Mazatlan, we have the opportunity to love these kids and spend time with them on their level and in their situation. Many of us have been able to develop relationships with them over the years and continue to invest in their lives with our time and material resources. Few of us know—or can even imagine—what it must be like to truly be abandoned. These kids do. And the investment of our time and resources can help demonstrate to them that the Gospel is really active—and not passive. Just one trip there speaks a message much greater than we can imagine.
2. We get to work together for something big
When we go to Mexico we go as a team. Not just individuals, but a team of people working for a common cause and eternal purpose.
There’s a dynamic that takes place when a bunch of people are tired, worn out, and exhausted from a day’s work in serving together. Working together when it’s hard and challenging brings out the best and worst in people. It also creates an environment where we can learn to push beyond our own comforts and be on mission for something far greater than ourselves. Good and meaningful relationships are forged when we work together, putting aside our own desires and wants and focusing on the needs of others. A mission trip such as this has a unique way of facilitating lasting relationships that go beyond “How’s life going?,” and begin to forge relationships that are able to put aside any differences by working side by side for a greater purpose. If you don’t believe me, just go and find out.
3. We take the opportunity to allow Jesus to enlarge His vision for our own lives
Developing a Godly vision for our lives does not come about through one experience. As we grow God allows us to make willful decisions that benefit others and not ourselves.
Our human nature does not naturally live for others. Our human nature’s natural bent is to focus on ourselves. To do things that we want, that serve us, that seek to bring us temporal happiness. But Jesus reminds us that, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” – Acts 20:35.
See, the most unhappy and most miserable people I know are good at loving themselves and doing things that they think make them happy. But the Gospel’s way is so much different than that. Our fulfillment is derived from doing what God created us to do. Love others. Serve others. Sacrifice for others. He paid a debt we owed, that we could not possibly ever repay. He paid it for us. We now have the privilege of living and serving His purposes in this life—to express to Him how much we love Him and appreciate His sacrifice for us. A mission trip is simply one way we can express to Him our love, and demonstrate our commitment to His purposes here on earth, which are people.
My experience on the trip was one of being exhausted at each day’s end, yet being exhilarated at the same time and looking forward to doing it again. Coming back home, I was living with a renewed passion for what is on God’s heart: people.
I want to encourage you to prayerfully consider making a trip a goal for your life and allow God to change and renew your passion for others.
For more info on upcoming trips click here.
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