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Dec 30, 2012 |Romans 8
12.30.12 | Romans 8
Steve Sommerlot
12.23.12 |
12.16.12 |
12.09.12 |
05.26.24 |
03.26.17 |
As Jesus’ crucifixion was just around the corner, He did something that is unparalleled to other parts of Scripture – He prayed. Why was this…
01.01.17 |
The Christian claim regarding the authenticity of the Holy Bible is that it is a book written by authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. But…
12.11.16 |
Jesus Christ is God. This is an idea most people overlook but is crucial to knowing who Jesus is and what that means for those…
11.27.16 |
Everyone who comes to belief in Jesus Christ has a story to tell of when they finally saw Him for who He is, the Lord…
09.07.16 |
Everyone likes to think the way they live is the “right” way to live. But have you ever wondered why some lifestyles are considered good…
08.31.16 |
07.27.16 |
We all encounter unjust suffering at one point in our lives and sometimes it comes from the people around us. How do we, as followers…
07.17.16 |
Steve Sommerlot takes us through the third chapter of 1 Peter and teaches on how husbands and wives should act in a godly marriage, and…
07.11.16 |
Pastor Steve Sommerlot takes us through the second chapter of 1 Peter and teaches on how God thinks of us – His creation.
1 Peter…
06.26.16 |
Pastor Steve Sommerlot teaches on how the Word of God is infallible and ultimately always points us to God.
Various Scriptures.
06.05.16 |
Pastor Steve Sommerlot teaches on how the Gospel of Jesus Christ guides us to take care of those who are in poverty.