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06.07.20 | Scattered Series
Noel Heikkinen
Peter 4:1 -11
04.24.22 | Let's Be That Series
04.24.22 | Let's Be That
The Gospel of Jesus is a message of hope and reconciliation for the world. For that reason, we are committed to planting churches in Michigan,…
04.17.22 | Let's Be That
Jesus is the radiance of God’s glory, who stepped in to His creation. Have you looked to Jesus with your life and accepted His gift…
The Kingdom of God does not grow by force or strength, but by speaking the truth of who Christ is. Do you believe in the…
04.10.22 | Let's Be That
We are all shaped by the things we give our time, attention, and thoughts to. How are you being intentional with that during this season…
Discipleship is the lifelong journey of being changed by, following, and becoming more like Jesus. This messy and grace-driven process happens best through the mutual…
As followers of Christ, we are called to invest in the lives of others. Do you have people in your life that you are looking…
We all have people and voices influencing our lives. Who or what do you follow? Pastor James Granger walks us through our final core value…
04.03.22 | Let's Be That
The Gospel does not eliminate the unique cultures and experiences that make the church diverse, but unifies a diverse group of people by glorifying God…
Each one of us carries a unique and valid life experience. How have you looked beyond yourself and to the cultural perspective of others? Pastor…
03.28.22 | Let's Be That
We are all a part of the Gospel legacy. What role do you play in carrying on the Word to the next generation? Pastor Young…
03.27.22 | Let's Be That
How are you actively seeking multi-generational relationships? Brendan Finnerty challenges us to find spaces and opportunities to spend time with those older and younger than…
Do you find that the generational divide existing in the world today hurts your relationships? How can investing in relationships with people of all ages…
03.20.22 | Let's Be That
It may look different for each of us, but we all need community. Have you found yourself feeling isolated over the past few years? Pastor…
Our deepest need is to be made right before God. Have you accepted Jesus into your life, and recognize that He alone can meet that…
We all need people in our lives. Do you have authentic community around you? Pastor James Granger reminds us that every follower of Jesus needs…
03.13.22 | Let's Be That
The bible is the very inspired Word of God and the outline for how followers of Jesus are to live out their faith. Do you…
The Bible is the source of life, the Word of God, and it is true. Do you believe in the validity of Scripture? Young Yi…
03.06.22 | Let's Be That
The Gospel states that we are loved by Jesus and set free from sin. How does that truth impact how you live your life? Pastor…
02.27.22 | Let's Be That
As a church family, we are called to love God and love others. How have we as a church failed in that? Pastor Noel Jesse…