Sep 08, 2013 |Genesis

From Nothing

09.08.13 | Genesis

From Nothing

Noel Heikkinen

In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing, including people (who are unique among creation) and he declared his creation was good and exists for his glory.

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“In the beginning, God…”

Genesis 1:1

“Because God exists outside of time, he exists at every point of time at the exact same time.”
-Steve Sommerlot

Genesis 1:1-2

“The power of God is present at all places, even in the tiniest leaf…he is currently and personally present in the wilderness, in the garden, and in the field.”
-Martin Luther

“In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing…”

 John 1:3

Psalm 33:6

“Since Christian believers occupy different positions on both the meaning of Genesis 1 and on the nature of evolution, those who are considering Christianity as a whole should not allow themselves to be distracted by this intramural debate.  The skeptical inquirer does not need to accept any one of these positions in order to embrace the Christian faith.”
-Tim Keller

“In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing, including people (who are unique among creation)…”

Genesis 1:26

Genesis 1:27-30

“In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing, including people (who are unique among creation) and he declared his creation was good…”

Genesis 2:1-3

Genesis 2:4

“In the beginning, God created everything out of nothing, including people (who are unique among creation) and he declared his creation was good and exists for his glory.”

Colossians 1:16

“The little birds singing are singing of God; the beasts cry unto Him; the elements are in awe of Him; the mountains echo His name; the waves and streams cast their glances at Him; the herbs and flowers praise him. Nor do we need to labor or seek Him far off, since each one of us finds [God] within himself, inasmuch as we are all upheld and preserved by His power dwelling in us.”

-John Calvin

Additional Resources

Genesis Study Guide – Downloadable Life Group resources

The Cosmological Argument – Videos and Articles related to the existence of God
