Nov 03, 2013 |Genesis

Abrahamic Covenant

11.03.13 | Genesis

Abrahamic Covenant

Noel Heikkinen

God’s covenant with Abram is unconditional because God keeps his promises.

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Abram was an unremarkable dude that God did some remarkable things with.

Genesis 13:14-15:21

Verses about Melchizedek:

Psalms 110:4

Hebrews 5-7

Before a watching world, Abram displayed sacrificial generosity that showed the world he worshipped a sacrificially generous God.

Genesis 15:6

Righteousness is not earned. It comes from believing, through faith.

Genesis 15:17

God’s covenant with Abram is unconditional because God keeps his promises.

Jesus is the ultimate High Priest who made the ultimate sacrifice for us through the power of an indestructible life.
