06.07.20 |
Suffering for the Gospel
Noel Heikkinen
Peter 4:1 -11
04.13.14 | Genesis Series
The End of an Era
“Genesis” comes from a single Hebrew word that means simply, “In the Beginning.” What a fitting title for the first book of the Bible! We hope that as we study through the second half of the book of Genesis you’re able to grow in your understanding of God’s sovereignty over the affairs of the world. We will see how humans (like us) continually make a mess of things and God continually shows he is working that mess toward a sovereign plan that culminates in the person and work of Jesus.
We’ve put some extra resources in this second volume in hopes that we are all better able to grasp what is going on in this story and how it applies to our lives right now. We want everyone to be able to utilize this book, so we’ve got many ways you can get it.