Sep 19, 2021 |From Faith to Faith

In View Of His Mercies

09.19.21 | From Faith to Faith

In View Of His Mercies

James Granger

Romans 12:1-8

We are surrounded by different paths and perspectives through which we can choose to live our lives. What is the focus of your life as you walk through each day? Pastor James Granger challenges us to keep God’s mercies in our sights by pursuing the wisdom of God’s Word, the presence of God’s people, and the power of God’s mission.

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What is mercy? How have you experienced God’s mercies in your life? How specifically have you shown mercy to others and/or received mercy from others?

Read Romans 12:1. How do you think a person who lives sacrificially is different from a person who does not? Give some specific examples of sacrificial attitudes and actions of Jesus that we could patterns our lives after.

Read Romans 12:2. In what ways have you been tempted to follow the ways of the world instead of following the way of Jesus? What are some ways you can “renew your mind” (or reshape your worldview) to become more centered on God and others with your thinking?

Read Romans 12:3-8. In what ways do you think you’re uniquely wired and gifted to serve the body of Christ? Are you currently doing this? What stands in the way of you actively using your gifts to edify and encourage the body of Christ?
