11.14.21 | From Faith to Faith
Driven By Mission
Tony Pyle
Romans 15:14-21
To be a Christ follower is to believe that Jesus is King and His work on the cross is what makes us right with God. It is that truth that gives our life a new purpose. How have you let God change your mission in life? Pastor Tony Pyle reminds us that as believers we are called to be present in the lives of the people and in the communities where God has placed us.
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Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you believe so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
My brothers and sisters, I myself am convinced about you that you also are full of goodness, filled with all knowledge, and able to instruct one another.
Nevertheless, I have written to remind you more boldly on some points because of the grace given me by God to be a minister of Christ Jesus to the Gentiles, serving as a priest of the gospel of God. God’s purpose is that the Gentiles may be an acceptable offering, sanctified by the Holy Spirit.
Therefore I have reason to boast in Christ Jesus regarding what pertains to God. For I would not dare say anything except what Christ has accomplished through me by word and deed for the obedience of the Gentiles, by the power of miraculous signs and wonders, and by the power of God’s Spirit. As a result, I have fully proclaimed the gospel of Christ from Jerusalem all the way around to Illyricum.
My aim is to preach the gospel where Christ has not been named, so that I will not build on someone else’s foundation, but, as it is written, Those who were not told about him will see, and those who have not heard will understand.
This man is my chosen instrument to take my name to Gentiles, kings, and Israelites.
Jesus came near and said to them, “All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
– Be Prayerful
– Be Prepared
– Be Present
What is something in your life that you are currently pursuing? Why are you pursuing that particular goal? How is it going?
Read Romans 15:17-18. What does it mean to boast in Christ Jesus? How do we live out this verse as we live our lives as Christians?
If someone were to look at your life (what you talked about, what you spent your time doing, how you spent your money), what would they say your mission is?
What would it look like for you to be more present in the lives of those who don’t know Jesus? What is one step you can take in doing this more in your life?
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