
06.07.20 | Scattered Series

Suffering for the Gospel

Noel Heikkinen

Peter 4:1 -11

11.30.21 | From Faith to Faith Series

What Does It Take to Live Together in Peace?

From Faith to Faith

The life of a Christ-follower could be summed up in one act: faith.

It is by faith that we have been saved, through faith that we are given new life, and in faith that we take each step. Yet this single act of faith can be one of the most challenging pursuits we’ll ever face.

In Paul’s letter to the Roman church, we are presented with an extremely clear picture of what plagues this world and why we so often feel that it is broken from within. This brutally honest description of humankind shows how the tragic lostness we experience pales in comparison to the righteousness of Jesus.

It is the righteousness of God that leads to peace.
It is the righteousness of Jesus that brings us new life.
It is righteousness that is given to us as Christ-followers.

In this letter, Paul dismantles any hope of salvation apart from faith in Jesus and roots all our hope in the finished and ongoing work of Jesus. It is by faith that we live and through faith that we are made alive.

For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, first to the Jew, and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith, just as it is written: The righteous will live by faith. - Romans 1:16-17

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